Mrs Alicia Cañadas, Projects and Customer Relations  +34 662979899                             


Rent or buy offices, labs and plots 


in The Almeria Science and Technology Park (PITA)





Located in an ideal place, in front of the Mediterranean sea,

to transform your ideas into reality



Vicente Yeste, Managing Director of Mecanica 4HY

Being at PITA has contributed significantly to the future projects of the company. In addition to being located in a strategic location, the technological nature of the park is a very important addition for us

Thomas Hendricks, Marketing Manager of Luis Andujar

We chose to be in the PITA for the location of our packing plant due to its proximity to the highway and our production centers. It has everything we need

Elena Hernández, gerente de LAB

PITA provides us with the ideal business environment for the development of our activity. It allows us to interact with companies of an innovative nature and also brings closeness to our customers

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