City: Seville
Address: C/ Isaac Newton s/n. Pabellón de la Unión Europea
Web: www.pctcartuja.es
Phone number: +34 671592937
General e-mail: innovacion@pctcartuja.com
Name: Luis Pérez Díaz
Position: Innovation Director
Phone number: +34 671535118
E-mail: innovacion@pctcartuja.es
Skype ID: pctcartuja
Specific R&D infraestructures:
The STP has more than 20 research and development centers and facilities, including university R+D labs and public and private R+D centers, such us National Accelerators Center (CNA), Andalusian Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine Centre (CABIMER) and Cartuja Scientific Research Centre (CIC Cartuja), among others.
Marie Curie was the first “Techno-Incubator” created in Andalusia (2010). Since then, it has become one of the best sites for consolidating young technology based companies. Until today, more than 90 companies have been incubated in this building. Nowadays, it is home for more than 30 technology based companies.
Marie Curie Techno-Incubator offers not only added value services but great competitive opportunities and advantages for young technology based companies:
Technological and entrepreneurial environment, with high quality facilities, a network of technology based companies and specific activities oriented to this kind of businesses. Part of our philosophy lies on the fact that sharing space with those who have the same needs, allows growing up more easily. In Marie Curie Techno-Incubator tenants share more than physical space: knowledge, best practices and experiences.
Synergies and cooperation. The main objective of the management team is to create opportunities for business and cooperation, based on mutual knowledge among tenants. Taking into account this premise, activities, workshops, lectures or seminars are programmed in the building, sometimes exclusive for the Incubator tenants and, other times, focused on networking with other incubator or business center companies.
The strength of the group. Young, dynamic and technologically advanced companies strengthen the image of the Incubator and, in a reciprocal way, the image of the center reinforces individual brand of the tenants.
High quality facilities focused on business development of technology based companies in early stages of growth.
The management team of Marie Curie Techno-Incubator offers support and advice to tenants, with total accessibility, proximity and availability for solving and answering companies’ requests
STP Cartuja is the great scientific and technological district of Seville. In an emblematic enclosure, heir of the Expo’92 in Seville, with a unique architectural design, it is home to 345 companies and organizations that have a common denominator: the innovation. The commitment to a new productive model based on R+D+I generates a result of around 1.8 billion € of economic activity.
STP Cartuja brings innovation to the Seville Brand, completing the image of tourist and cultural city with modernity and future.
Due to the large experience providing high value services to companies, the Science and Technology Park Cartuja has become the main area creating qualified employment in the province of Seville. Currently 14.500 people work in STP Cartuja. Moreover, our Park receives daily around 25.000 people, counting workers, scientists, researchers, students and visitors.
The companies and R+D centers are the core of STP Cartuja. However, due to its privileged location on the Cartuja Island, the STP is completed with culture, sport and leisure areas that are complementary the business and research area. All these areas joint together give an added value necessary to become a Science and Technology Park of excellence.
Business and scientific area: This area is formed by advanced technologies and advanced services companies, research centers, business schools, innovation support entities and business associations. This area, together with the University, constitutes the core of STP Cartuja and it is located in the central part. STP Cartuja has several business centers as the “Cartuja Building”, “Insur Cartuja Building”. “Pabellón de Italia Business Center” and Marie Curie Incubator for technology based companies.
University area: This area is made up by centers of the University of Seville (School of Engineering and Faculty of Communication), Pablo de Olavide University (San Isidoro University Center), CEADE private University, the International University of Andalusia (UNIA), specialized in postgraduate studies, and two business schools: ESIC and EOI-Campus STP Cartuja.
Cultural area: There is a wide range of cultural centers distributed throughout the STP Cartuja: Central Theatre, Andalusian Centre for Contemporary Art, Three Mediterranean Cultures Foundation or Rocio Jurado Municipal Auditorium.
Sport and leisure area: This area located in the North side of STP Cartuja. The sport area includes the Olympic Stadium, Isla de la Cartuja sport facilities (which includes tennis and paddle tennis courts, athletics, football, rugby and golf course) and the specialized center of high performance rowing and canoeing “La Cartuja”. The recreational zones of the Alamillo Park (which has become the main lung of the city) and the Isla Magica theme park complete this area.
Some of the main services offered are: