Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press Awards

The aim of the Award for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press is to recognise the work of the written and online press that best conveys the activities carried out by science and technology parks throughout Spain.

Being aware of the importance of bringing science and technology closer to society, APTE considers it essential to make visible the work that the parks carry out in relation to renovation, diversification of productive activity, technological progress and economic development.

In this context, the press has a very important role in transmitting these activities to society. For this reason, we value those who provide better coverage, taking into account the number of publications on the subject and their quality.

The prize is awarded by a vote of a jury made up of the members of APTE and consists of a commemorative plaque. 


Download here the rules of the award


Awards 2022

  • Winner national print press category: El Periódico
  • Winner local/regional print press category: La Nueva España
  • Winner national digital press category: Europa Press
  • Winner local/regional digital press category: ABC de Sevilla



Awards 2021

  • National press category winner: El Economista
  • Local/regional press category winner: Diario Sur


Awards 2020

  • National press category winner: Innovadores by Inndux, La Razón / La Vanguardia
  • Local/regional press category winner: La Opinión de Málaga / Málaga Hoy



Awards 2019

  • National press category winner: Innovadores by Inndux, La Razón 
  • Local/regional press category winner: La Opinión de Málaga


Awards 2018

  • National press category winner: La Vanguardia
  • Local/regional press category winner: La Opinión de Málaga