Steering Committee

With the objective of equipping APTE with a new advisory body composed of former APTE members responsible for supporting and enriching the Association's activities, the creation of the APTE Steering Committee is proposed in Based on the following premises:

Regarding with the statutes of APTE:

Article 14 of the APTE statutes states that:

"In order to advise the General Assembly or the Executive Committee or to decentralize and streamline its operation, the following permanent or temporary bodies may be constituted:

 Advisory bodies

Delegated Committees

The General Directorate "

Therefore, the figure of the Alumni of APTE could be considered as an advisory body.


The objective of this group is to be able to develop with them a work plan regarding the possibility of having their collaboration in the following activities of the Association:

  • Technical Assistance
  • Entry of new members or request for change of typologies.
  • Annual management plan of the Association.
  • Activities of the delegated committees
  • Proposal of new projects.
  • Win in representativeness and credibility before the institutions.
  • Support the funding of science and technology parks.

Conditions of membership:

Former members of APTE scientific and technological parks who have held positions of responsibility in the park for at least 4 years and have participated actively in the life of the Association, as well as former members of the APTE Executive Committee , Upon request to the executive committee.

Definition of the coordinator of the Group:

Because this group does not have a defined leadership structure, it will require a coordinator to respond to specific inquiries that are directed to this body. For this reason, it is considered necessary, to choose among the members of the group a person who plays that role.

Obligations of membership:

Availability to be able to meet once a year and be available by email and Skype for the necessary consultations within the development of the work plan.

Request Letter template


  • Joan Bellavista Illa
  • Itziar Martín Alonso
  • Francisco Negre Medall
  • Francesc Martos Aguilera
  • Joan Riera Calvo
  • Ignasi Belda Reig
  • Txaber Ouro Urruza
  • José Luís Virumbrales Alonso
  • Antonio Verde Cordero
  • Pilar Gil