Spanish Technology Platform for Disruptive Technologies (DISRUPTIVE)

DISRUPTIVE is the Spanish technology platform for disruptive technologies promoted by the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and focused on the study, dissemination and promotion of the application of disruptive digital technologies among Spanish companies and organisations.
DISRUPTIVE is a further step in APTE's work initiated in 2019 with the launch of an online training platform for disruptive technologies (APTEFORMA) in which more than 2,000 people from all over Spain belonging to 800 entities are currently being trained.
DISRUPTIVE pursues the digital transformation of Spanish companies, covering the field of the most disruptive digital technologies from their analysis, dissemination, detection of trends, barriers, state of the art, knowledge of demand, level of adoption, usability, skills and promotion of their use.
Discover the platform here.
Funded by:
Convocatoria 2020 Plataformas Tecnológicas y de Innovación
Nº Expediente: PTR2020-001159