Membership Categories
The APTE has the following different categories of members: Full Members, Affiliated Members, Collaborators and Honorary Members.
Full Members
Full Members are those organizations which comply with the minimum criteria established by the Executive Committee to distinguish science and technology parks from other industrial urban planning or real estate activities. For the purpose of these criteria the APTE definition of a park is used.
Affiliated Members
Affiliated Members are those organizations with perfectly defined objectives which are in accordance with those of the Association, where the development of the park in question is in the developmental or planning stage. This is a temporary status and the maximum duration in this member category is three years, except where in exceptional circumstances the General Asambly agrees to extend this period by an additional term of up to two years. Following the termination of the above periods without reaching the status of Members, Affiliate Members have the option of converting into Collaborators.
Collaborators are those entities and persons, whether physical or legal, public or private, which without having the creation of a science and technology park as their objective demonstrate a special interest in this field.
Honorary Members
Honorary Members are those entities and persons, wether physical or legal, public or private, national or foreign, which due to their relevant merits and their collaboration in pursuit of the purposes of the association, have been appointed as such by the General Asambly at the proposal of the Executive Committee.